詳 細

  • 社会的な微笑 ジョージア(グルジア)の政治的風刺画 1901-1921年 (英語、ジョージア語)

    Social Smile. Georgian Political Caricature. 1901-1921. (in English, Georgian).

    Apkhazishvili S.
    Tbilisi, Bakur Sulakauri 154 c. hard

    2019 年   ISBN  9789941302480   R269249

    "Social Laughter" is one of the first attempts to introduce a wider audience to caricatures preserved in century-old Georgian periodicals and long left on the shelf. This catalog serves as a visual history of the first two decades of the past century. Imagine flipping through a comic strip that narrates the rise of Georgia’s first political parties and debates, or?without any historical overview?reveals the strategies of World War I participants, the founding of Georgia’s First Democratic Republic, and the reasons for its fragility. The story concludes with the Sovietization of Georgia.

    価格(税込み)    \20,460