詳 細

  • ジョージアのソビエト時代のモザイク アルバム (英語、グルジア語)

    Mosaics of Soviet Period in Georgia. Album. (in English, Georgian)

    Palavandishvili N.
    Tbilisi, Bakur Sulakauri 200 c. hard

    2019 年   ISBN  9789941303005   R269247

    "This book features selected monumental-decorative mosaics created over a span of 30 years during the Soviet era in various public spaces across Georgia. Some are in a state of severe deterioration, others have already been destroyed, and many face the risk of demolition and disappearance. The aim of this book is to introduce the topic to a wider audience, present these works within their historical and cultural context, and showcase their significance and beauty. Hopefully, this will lead to their preservation and maintenance, ultimately playing a crucial role in reinterpreting the history of Soviet Georgia."

    価格(税込み)    \20,460