詳 細

  • ラトヴィア史上のロシア人 いつ、どのように、なぜ?(ラトヴィア語)

    Krievi Latvijas v?stur?. Kad, k? un k?p?c? (In Latvian). (Latvijas v?stures m?ti un versijas, 8)

    Riga, Aminori 442 c. hard

    2024 年   ISBN  9789934612541   R266961

    The eighth book in the series “Myths and Versions of Latvian History” is dedicated to the relations of Latvians as a nation and Latvia as a territory with Russians (originally the East Slavs) and Russia from the Middle Ages to the Soviet occupation, ...

    価格(税込み)    \18,810