詳 細

  • チェコ語の語形成コンセプト スラヴ言語学の文脈からみて ミオシュ・ドクリル(1912-2002)生誕110年、没後20年記念(チェコ語)

    ?eska slovotvorna koncepce v kontextu slovanske jazykov?dy. Monografie v?novana 110. vyro?i narozeni a 20 vyro?i umrti Milo?e Dokulila. In Czech.

    Bozd?chova I. et al
    Praha, Academia a Slovansky ustav AV CR 448 c. hard

    2024 年   ISBN  9788020035486   R266959

    In the context of the recent life anniversaries of the leading Czech linguist and world-renowned expert in the field of word formation, Milos Dokulil (1912-2002), this collective monograph seeks to map and evaluate the influence of the Czech concept ...

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