詳 細

  • 文化からの逃亡者 ポーランドのネオ・アヴァンギャルド、そればかりでなく(英語)

    Fugitives from culture. The Polish Neo-Avant-Garde and beyond. In English.

    Koshkina V., Haufe F., Penka Ph.
    Berlin, Penka Rare Books and Archives 132 c. pap.

    2024 年   ISBN  9783982615400   R266957

    "Fugitives from Culture" is not only a richly illustrated exhibition and rare book catalog, but also a comprehensive introductory documentation of unofficial art in Poland in the 1970s and 1980s, based on difficult-to-access, mostly handmade ...

    価格(税込み)    \32,010