詳 細

  • 日本における他者としてのアフリカ人 1868年から1945年までの地理教科書におけるサハラ以南アフリカ人の表象 (ポーランド語)

    Afryka?ski Inny w Japonii. Reprezentacja subsaharyjskich Afrykanow w podr?cznikach geograficznych w latach 1868-1945.

    Sztafiej P.
    Toru?, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Miko?aja Kopernika 276 c. pap.

    2023 年   ISBN  9788323152132   R265340

    This book is a revised version of the doctoral dissertation. The author attempts a cross-sectional analysis of Japanese ways of presenting Sub-Saharan Africa and its inhabitants in geographical textbooks from the beginning of the Meiji period to the end of World War II.

    Considerations on the representation of Africa in the above-mentioned functional texts are preceded by presenting the historical context of the formation of Japanese narratives about this continent, beginning from the 16th century. The author’s intention is to show the specificity of the transfer of knowledge about the Other ? the adaptation of information to current Japanese intellectual discourses or the geopolitical situation of the country ? in the almost complete absence of zones of direct contact and colonial relations between the only non-Western superpower of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and Sub-Saharan Africans.

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