詳 細

  • ジョージア(グルジア) 歴史アトラス (英語) ジョージア国立科学アカデミー編 

    The Historical Atlas of Georgia./ Georgian National Academy of Sciences. Commission of History, Archeology and Ethnology; edit. Muskhelishvili D.

    Tbilisi, Artanuji Publishing 156 c. hard

    2023 年   ISBN  9789941504747   R263861

    初版(ジョージア語)2003年刊行、本書は増補改訂第2版(2016年刊)の英訳。(30x41cm) The Historical Atlas of Georgia contains over seventy colour mapsand explanatory texts that trace the development of the territory of Georgian statehood from ancient times to the present day.The Historical Atlas of Georgia is actually a documentary publication:in its explanatory texts, the political image of the state is depictedand argumented on every map, by pointing to the primarysource and relying on the special literature.

    価格(税込み)    \35,200