詳 細

  • ソボレヴァ 17世紀の説教集「スタテル」 儀式の様式と著者 増訂第2版

    Сборник проповедей XVII века “Статир”: сакральные образы и автор. Монография. 2-е изд., испр., и доп. (Библиотека Quaestio Rossica)

    Соболева Л.С.
    Екатеринбург, УрФУ 314 c. hard

    2024 年   ISBN  9785799637637   R260107

    The author became a laureate of the Makariev Prize (2023) for this book. The author is Doctor of Philology. The monograph examines the features of the preaching genre in the context of the 17th century and substantiates the importance of church ...

    価格(税込み)    \20,900