詳 細

  • パデレフスキ 父親とヘレナ・ゴルスカ(1872-1924、女優)宛て書簡集(英訳)

    Letters to his father and to Helena Gorska (1872-1924)./ prepared by Perkowska-Waszek M.; edi. Kica J., Su?ek M.; translated by Comber J. (in English)

    Paderewski I.J.
    Warszawa, The Fryderyk Chopin Institute 587 c. hard

    2022 年   ISBN  9788396669223   R259245

    イグナツィ・ヤン・パデレフスキ(1860-1941)は、ポーランドの高名なピアニスト・作曲家・政治家・外交官。ポーランドの首相を務めたことで知られる。 Ignacy Jan Paderewski: Letters to His Father and to Helena Gorska (1872-1924) The composer`s correspondence attests to his keen intellect and remarkable personality. In his letters, Paderewski writes about such things as his composition studies and creative work; hence they are not infrequently the sole source of information about such previously unknown or lost compositions. The contents of the letters also reveal many interesting facts about the composer`s peers, including outstanding musicians, composers, performers and teachers. Emerging from these documents is a psychological portrait of a man who, despite numerous setbacks, forged his artistic destiny with the utmost determination. Paderewski`s path led from teaching work that gave him little satisfaction, through his undeniable compositional achievements, which he particularly craved, to the career of a virtuoso loved by the crowds, which made his fortune.

    価格(税込み)    \14,300