詳 細

  • 我々の周囲は火の海 (ホロコースト)展覧会ガイドブック(2023年4月18日~2024年1月8日、ワルシャワ、ポーランドユダヤ人歴史博物館)(英語)

    Around us a sea of fire. Guidebook of Exhibition (18 April 2023 - 8 January 2024, POLIN Museum, Warsaw)./ red. Engelking B., Schnepf-Ko?acz Z. (in English)

    Engelking B.
    Warsaw, POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews 343 c. hard

    2023 年   ISBN  9788396618948   R259222

    In this richly illustrated, album-like publication, the authors?including both distinguished historians specialising in the Holocaust, and writers such as Hanna Krall, Andrzej Leder or Miko?aj Grynberg?reflect on the theme of the exhibition.

    価格(税込み)    \25,520