詳 細

  • マリアン・ステチュク シベリアの河川で ある少年の日記 1940~1946年 クラスノヤールスク地方(英語)

    On the Rivers of Siberia. The diary of a boy 1940-1946: Krasnoyarsk Krai./ edi. Szarejko S., Zwolski M. (in English) (Wspomnienia I Relacje; tom 6)

    Stecyk M.
    Bia?ystok, Muzeum Pami?ci Sybiru 237 c. hard

    2022 年   ISBN  9788396371157   R259206

    An extremely captivating story about a stay in Sybir. Although Marian Stecyk wrote his memoirs many years after this story, the details mentioned by the Author are suprising. A colorful and vivid description of Siberian landscapes almost immediately triggers the reader's imagination. And when we add a fast-paced narrative and dialogues recalled by the Author, which took place in individual situations, we are immersed in the Siberian reality almost immediately. Together with the Author-Narrator, we wander along the banks of the Yenisei, learn about Siberian flora and fauna, go hunting, learn about the living conditions in exile.
    Marian's memoirs are written in a simple language, direct and full of emotions. It is a book that will captivate everyone. We publish three language versions simultaneously, Polish, English and Spanish, believing that this is only the beginning of our mission to disseminate Sybiraks' memories abroad!

    価格(税込み)    \9,240