詳 細

  • 言語と思考 ロ・ポーランド語の認知学的研究(露語)

    Язык и мышление. Когнитивные исследования русского и польского языков. (на рус.яз.)

    Rycielska B.
    Krakow, <Ksi?garnia Akademicka> 202 c. pap.

    2023 年   ISBN  9788383680705   R259187

    The monograph examines important and interesting linguistic problems, using, among others, imaging theory and network models of linguistic categories. The assumptions of Ronald W. Langacker’s cognitive grammar and George Lakoff ’s and Mark Johnson’s conceptual metaphor adopted in this work have become popular in linguistic research since the 1970s. They have been used to characterize the cognitive and communicative side of any natural language. It should be emphasized that in Polish linguistics, the model developed by cognitive linguistics was used for translation research, and also turned out to be useful for translators. The theory and practice of translation owe their development in a cognitive direction to El?bieta Tabakowska ? a specialist in cognitive linguistics and translation theory.

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