詳 細

  • 図解ベラルーシ史 第1部 初版(英訳) 

    Belarus: an illustrated history. Part 1. From Rahnieda to Ka?ciu?ka./ Wyd.1; translation by J. Dingley. (in English)

    Arlo? U., Tatarnika? P.
    Krakow, Gutenberg Publisher 222 c. hard

    2023 年   ISBN  9788396764423   R259181

    This richly illustrated book is intended primarily, but not solely, for young people. It takes readers on an adventure to one of the ‘new’ (since 1991) countries that have appeared on the map of Europe. It shows clearly that Belarus is not such a new country after all! The book is the result of a unique collaboration between the skilled writer and historian Uladzimir Arlo?, and the accomplished artist Paviel Tatarnika?. This is part one of two parts and covers from earliest times to eighteen century - from Rahnieda to Ka?ciu?ka This first part covers the period from the very earliest times to the end of the eighteenth century. Publication of this book was made possible with the support of the Belarusian Charitable Trust in Great Britain and Paviel Bierahovi?.

    価格(税込み)    \15,620