詳 細

  • チョルポン=アタ(キルギスのイシク・クル湖西岸の都市) 時代、事件、歴史概観

    Чолпон- Ата. Время. События. Люди. Историческое обозрение.

    Борисовская Н.П.
    Бишкек, Алтын Принт 200 c. hard

    2023 年   ISBN  9789967089860   R244829

    The history of the city of CHolpon-Ata is reconstructed, modeled, regulated with the help of a selection of archival, photographic materials and interviews, stories of old residents, oral testimonies of eyewitnesses, participants and contemporaries ...

    価格(税込み)    \11,220