国立野外博物館「イチャン=カラ」のコレクション (ウズベク・英・露語)
Собрание Государственного Музея-Заповедника "Ичан-Кал'а". На узбек., англ. и рус. яз. (Культурное наследие Узбекистана в собраниях мира, XLVII)
Ташкент, Zamon press info c. hard2022 年 ISBN 9789943749986 R243525
The book-album “The Collection of the Ichan-Kal’a State Museum-Reserve” is devoted to one of the most famous open-air museums located inside the fortress of the same name of Khiva khans and included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Since its ...
価格(税込み) \51,260