詳 細

  • ウズベキスタンの陶磁器 世界のコレクション(ウズベク・英・露語)

    Керамика Узбекстана в собраниях мира. Книга-альбом. (на узбек.,англ.и рус.яз.)./ науч.ред. Э. Ртвеладзе. (Культурное наследие Узбекистана, XLIV)

    Тошкент, Zamon-Press-Info Nashriyot uyi, Silk Road Media, Darakchi inform servis 408 c. hard

    2022 年   ISBN  9789943749924   R243523

    For five years of work, the Cultural Legacy of Uzbekistan in World Collections Project has revealed the richest collections of ceramics of Uzbekistan in various museums around the world. This book-album is devoted to these collections. The reader ...

    価格(税込み)    \56,980