大斎 音楽CD キエフ・ペチェールシク大修道院の讃美歌 18曲収録
Великий Пост. Audio CD. Песнопения Киево-Печерской Лавры. Исполнитель: Хор Свято-Троицкого Ионинского Монастыря. Регент: Д. Болгарский. 18 треков. (vol. 42.0)
М., Продюсерский центр И. Матвиенко c.2000 年 ISBN 4603377001883 R243029
1. Lenten bell-ringing. The Belfry of the Near Caves
2. By the waters of Babylon
3. Open to me, O Giver of Life, the gates of repentance
4. Do not cast away Thy face from me. The Great Prokeimenon
5. Hail, O Virgin Mother of God (Troparion, tone one)
6. Alleluia and odes to the Trinity (tone six)
7. The Great Canon
8. Let my prayer be set forth… (trio)
9. Now the powers of heaven
10. Thy abode…
11. Troparions for the Sixth and Ninth Hours
12. Of Thy Mystical Supper
13. The wise thief
14. O Thou, Who coverest Thyself with light as with a garment
15. Weep not for Me, O Mother
16. For in glory He has been glorified
17. Arise, O God
18. Bells of the Belfry of the Near Caves価格(税込み) \3,190