詳 細

  • ベルジャーエフとイェホシュア・ショー(1891~1974) 二極間の往復書簡集(1927~1946年)(露・英語)

    Nikolai Berdyaev and Yehoshua Shor: A Correspondence between Two Corners (1927 - 1946). In Russian and English.

    Khazan V. (ed.)
    Jerusalem, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 654 c. hard

    2019 年   ISBN     R226513

    This volume contains the correspondence between the prominent Russian religious philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev (1874-1948) and the historian of philosophy, culturologist, art critic, and music teacher Yevsei (Yehoshua) Shor (1891-1974), who was the ...

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