詳 細

  • 「パレスチナの奇蹟の土地」 1936年のレフ・シェストフの「イスラエルの地」訪問をめぐって(露・英語)

    “The Marvelous Land of Palestine” Around Lev Shestov’s Visit to Eretz Israel in 1936. In Russian and English.

    Khazan V. (ed.)
    Jerusalem, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1008 c. hard

    2021 年   ISBN     R226512

    This volume examines the various themes and events surrounding the visit of Lev Shestov (1866-1938), a major Russian philosopher, to Eretz Israel in spring 1936. The story of the preparations leading up to this trip, and of the time spent by Shestov ...

    価格(税込み)    \35,750