詳 細

  • ロシアと外国における「過去」の政治利用 エセー集(英文)

    Political Use of the Past in Russia and Abroad. collection of essays. (in English).

    Miller Alexey, Malinova Olga, Efremenko Dmitry et al.
    М., ИНИОН РАН 231 c. pap.

    2020 年   ISBN  9785248009633   R202938

    The beginning of the 21st century was marked by dramatic intensification of politics of memory. In this collection of essays, the phenomenon of politicization of historical past is considered in a broad theoretical perspective and in the context of painful social and political transformations in post-communist countries. Special attention is paid to the entanglement of domestic and international aspects of memory politics in Russia

    価格(税込み)    \3,410