モーリス・ベアリング(1874~1945) ロシアのこと エッセイと物語(英文)(古書、ロンドン、1908年刊)
Russian Essays and Stories. (Б.К.)
Baring, Maurice
London, <Methuen & Co. Ltd.> 295 c. hard1908 年 ISBN R184766
A journey in the north.--Down the Volga.--Sketches in central and south Russia: The religion of Russian peasants; A conversation with a landowner; The birth of the bell.--Conversations with Dimitri Nikolaievitch: English liberals in Russia; Byron.--Modern literature in Russia.--The Russian stage.--A Russian mystery play.--A dream in the Duma.--A Zemstvo report.--Anti-Semitism in Russia.--Prince Ourousov's memoirs.--Stories: Pogrom. The antichrist. "Dirge in marriage." The governor's niece. A police officer. The amorphists. Sherlock Holmes in Russia
価格(税込み) \2,640