ワリシェフスキ(1849~1935) ロシアの女帝エカテリーナ二世のロマン 本人の回想、書簡、未公表文書による 第17版(仏語)(古書、1910年パリ刊)
Le Roman D'une Imperatrice, Catherine II De Russie: D'apres Ses Memoires, Sa Correspondance Et Les Documents Inedits Des Archives D'etat. Portrait D'apres Une Miniature Du Temps. 17e ed. (Dix-septieme Edition) (Б.К.)
Waliszewski K.
Paris, Librairie <Plon> 618 c. hard1910 年 ISBN R179772
Kazimierz Klemens Waliszewski (1849?1935) was a Polish author of history, who studied in Warsaw and Paris, and wrote primarily about Russian history. Born in Poland, but a long resident in France, Waliszewski wrote a detailed, scholarly works covering nearly three centuries of Russian history: from Ivan the Terrible to the end of the nineteenth century.[1] He began research in 1870, and devoted over thirty years of work in libraries and archives in Paris, London, Berlin, Vienna, and Saint Petersburg. Several of his works written in French were translated into other languages. Waliszewski, also researched Polish history, and his book, Poland, the Unknown, offers a defence of the country's history against hostile Russian and German interpretations.[2]
As a man of letters, Waliszewski expressed his intention to introduce Joseph Conrad to the Polish public in 1903,[3] after the two had exchanged a number of letters.価格(税込み) \8,250