詳 細

  • 最高速度のランニング(英語)

    Running at maximum speed. (in English)

    Tyupa V., Turaev V.
    М., <ТВТ Дивизион> 502 c. hard

    2024 年   ISBN  9785987242780   R256910

    This publication is intended to form a comprehensive, systematic presentation of the material, which is quite complex in some places. The authors tried to present the material in the most accessible form, actually doing at the same time the popularization of scientific research. This explains both the detail in some sections and some simplifications in the presentation of materials in other ones. The monograph was prepared based on the results of both own and scientific research by Soviet, Russian and foreign scientists. The original and inherently unique materials with links to primary sources are given. We hope that the book will be useful to all readers and will become for them both a manual and a reference book that will help in practical work. The publication is intended for students, postgraduates and teachers of universities and faculties of physical education, researchers, as well as coaches and athletes who do not always have the time and opportunity to study scientific papers on sprinting. Redaction of the English version of the text after the translation from original Russian publication was done by Vladimir Tyupa.

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