詳 細

  • ランニングの生体力学(英語)

    Biomechanics of Running. (in English).

    Tyupa V.
    М., <ТВТ Дивизион> 286 c. hard

    2024 年   ISBN  9785987242766   R256909

    This monograph is written for coaches, athletics teachers, as well as for students of sports universities and faculties. It consistently describes the biomechanical characteristics of all phases of running at various distances ? starting, starting run-up, distance running, curve running and running in a state of decompensated fatigue. In addition, separate thematic blocks include data on the elastic properties of muscles and the work of two-joint muscles. A number of particular issues related to the peculiarities of different running techniques of outstanding athletes is also considered.

    In the analysis of running steps, biomechanical indicators such as temporal and spatial characteristics, the forces of support reactions, moments of joint forces and joint power, mechanical work and energy, as well as electrical activity of the leg muscles are used. The monograph is based on both literary and the author's own data.

    価格(税込み)    \18,810