詳 細

  • チンギスハン一族の公たちと上流階級 第3巻(モンゴル語)

    Чингис хааны угсааны халхын ноёд язгууртнууд. III. (Талын язгууртны ?в соёл-III)

    Хатанбаатар Н.
    Улаанбаатар, <Соёмбо принтинг> 232 c. hard

    2023 年   ISBN  9789919019785   R256039

    In this work, an attempt was made to investigate the ethnic origin, distribution, structure, social position, stratification, kinship, succession, and some biographical issues of the Khalkh Taij nobles of the Genghis Khan dynasty in the early ...

    価格(税込み)    \12,650